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Online Instruction 


If you are looking for a review of your swing but time or location simply won’t allow for face to face instruction, then online-based instruction is a great option for you.  In an email, send one video from down the line and one video from face on.  Provide a short description of your typical miss.  If you are working on something in particular with your swing, please include that in the email as well.


Your swings will be loaded into swing review software and analyzed by Kirk.  A video will be created and sent back to you with voiceover, comparisons to tour player swings, and recommendations for improvement.



  • $25 per analysis

  • $75 for a package of 4 reviews

Proper camera alignment to video golf swing




Down the line:

  1. Camera should be set up directly behind the golfer, (approximately 4-6 feet behind).  It should be far enough back that the club does not hit the camera and the club head does not go out of the camera view.

  2. Place camera at HANDS height and ensure camera is level.  You can use a tripod or have a friend video for you.

  3. Optional: You can place a golf club on the ground 3-4 inches in front of the golfer’s feet which is parallel to the golfer’s target line.  You should see the golfer’s hands directly above the club on the ground.  Look in the camera and ensure it is facing directly down the club line that is on the ground.  This will confirm your camera is facing the correct direction.

  4. Begin recording.

Face on:

  1. Camera will once again be at HANDS height and level, and far enough back to capture the entire arc of the swing (approximately 3-4 feet).

  2. Have the golfer set up to the golf ball as if they are about to hit.  

  3. Line the camera up to the center of that person’s body.  If you don’t have someone to set the camera up for you, lay a club down in the middle of your stance with the club perpendicular to the target.  Set the camera up in line with the club.

  4. Begin recording

Need more details? Ready to schedule instruction?

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

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