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Mike White 

Hi. I just had a 1-hour lesson with Level-1 RST Instructor, Kirk Baker, in Wilmington, North Carolina. I have been an RST member for 1 1/2 years and have been working hard through your videos and swing analysis to improve. The 1 hour that I spent with Kirk was worth its weight in gold. There were several things about the backswing, in particular, that I just wasn't getting and Kirk was able to give me the right amount of information  and instruction in person to change my swing remarkably in just the hour that I worked with him. He was cogent, patient and helpful during the lesson and gave me pertinent coaching, reinforcement in the form of videos and tips and general encouragement. I took his instruction to the course immediately after the lesson and, while everything wasn't perfect of course, I found myself hitting the majority of my shots long and straight. Kirk has made a big difference in my game and I would like to see him get the appropriate amount of recognition for this. In particular, I would not hesitate to recommend him to other RST students. Thanks!

Scott Haynes

After many years of competitive golf I’ve had the chance to be coached by many top Golf Instructors and I can say for a fact that Kirk has a style that exceeds any others I have seen. No two swings are alike and Kirk is able to understand the little things that make the difference. It doesn’t matter if you are a scratch golfer or just beginning, Kirk has the knowledge and patience to get the results you are looking for. I would recommend him to anyone looking for a swing coach.

Margaret David 

Kirk Baker has given me multiple golf lessons from learning the basic golf swing to tweaking my swing when I would pick up a bad habit.  He has shown me the fine points of the short game, hitting out of bunkers, and how to handle your swing and stance when you get in trouble.  He is a fantastic teacher with the ability to spot those one or two irregular swing patterns and correct it in a way that feels natural to you.  Kirk Baker comes highly recommended.

Rodney Young
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